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I began writing at a young age but never truly knew the purpose of my gift.  As I matured and began to build a family, the cares of this world began to bring me down.  During this time of my life I fought with depression, defeat, hurts, betrayal, and marital issues.

        God began to reveal things to me on a level that I could not understand. He began to awake me throughout the wee hours with dreams, words, and sayings that were so powerful and indulging.  I began to put everything in writing that he laid upon my heart. The desire and the need to write began to return, so strong. The things that he gave me began to minister to my past hurts and pain.

        Writing is my outlet but it is also a ministry. It’s a way for me to encourage those that have experienced, or is experiencing the same hurts.  So, now I pray that the writings God gave me will help to encourage others.

Transitioning Out Of Darkness

SKU: 9781732693401

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